Studio 3X is in the process of building a series of inter-connected social hookup sites that will be brand-matched with their s3x_PORN offerings.

Niche Porn Site Hookup Site
Bareback #BBBH #BBBH Men
    Cumdumps Cumdump Network
(for oral and anal cumdumps)
Oral Pig
Oral Sex Oral Pigs
Hardcore Fetish Twisted Pig Twisted Pigs
Public Urinals
(for piss pigs)
"Vanilla" Spunk Bud Spunk Buds
Sex Parties (all) S3X Party

In addition there will be also be Poz Pigs which will be a safe space for HIV positive men (and perhaps women) as well as the HIV negtive folks who enjoy having sex with them.

Trans guys are welcome anywhere that's focused on masculine sexual energy.

 @ Boys Pissing
Pic from Boys Pissing